Try Hungry Data for free.

Test Drive any package for 30 days free.


billed annually

$44 billed monthly

Single site licence

1 BackOffice Suite

UNLIMITED products

UNLIMITED customers

20 users

Email support


billed annually

$64 billed monthly

Single site licence

1 BackOffice Suite

UNLIMITED products

UNLIMITED customers

20 users

Email support

1 Online Order Website


billed annually

$84 billed monthly

Single site licence

1 BackOffice Suite

UNLIMITED products

UNLIMITED customers

20 users

Email support

1 Online Order Website

1 POS/Register licence

1 SMART Kitchen screen

Additional POS

The Gold plan includes one free POS register licence. Additional POS register licences can be added to the Gold plan at any time.


billed annually

$24 billed monthly

Premium support

Personal set-up assistance, ongoing training and phone support. Available with any plans. Learn more about Hungry Data support.


billed annually

Additional Smart Kitchen Screens


The Gold plan includes one free SMART kitchen screen licence. Additional licences can be added to the GOLD plan at any time.


billed annually

$24 billed monthly

Additional Site Licence

If you are a Multi site client, or you are growing and open another store. You are able to purchase additional site licence at any time. 


billed annually

All prices are in AUD dollars.